

Neuschwander, A., Job, A., Younes, A., Mignon, A., Delgoulet, C., Cabon, P., … Tesniere, A. (2017). Impact of sleep deprivation on anaesthesia residents’ non-technical skills: a pilot simulation-based prospective randomized trial. BJA: British Journal of Anaesthesia, 119(1), 125–131.


Benabbou, A., Lourdeaux, D., Lenne, D. Génération dynamique de dilemmes en environnement virtuel à partir de modèle de connaissances. Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain. EIAH 2017. Strasbourg, France, 7-9 Juin 2017

Bourrier Y., Jambon F., Garbay C. and Luengo V.  (2017). A multi-layered architecture for analysis of non-technical-skills in critical situations. AIED 2017

Corneloup, V. & Burkhardt, J.-M (2017). Liens entre situations critiques vécues en conduite et apprentissage au cours des premiers mois de la conduite : un focus sur le développement des compétences de haut niveau. Conférence EPIQUE 2017, Dijon, France.

Burkhardt, J.-M., Corneloup, V., Garbay, C., Bourrier, Y., Jambon, F., Luengo, V., … Lourdeaux, D. (2016). Simulation and virtual reality-based learning of non-technical skills in driving: critical situations, diagnostic and adaptation. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 49(32), 66–71.

Benabbou, A., Lourdeaux, D., Lenne, D. (2016) Dynamic generation of dilemma-based situations in virtual environments. ITS 2016: International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Zagreb, Croatia, 6-10 June, 2016.

Corneloup, V. & Burkhardt, J.-M.(2016) An exploratory study of higher order driving skills and difficult situations experienced by novice drivers during their first months of driving to develop simulation-based training. European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, september 6-7 2016, Nottingham, UK.

Job, A , Neuschwander, A., Tesnière, A., Delgoulet, C., Cabon, P. (2016)  Management of dilemma under sleep deprivation in anesthesiology residents and the impact on mobilization of skills: a simulation based study. Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient safety conference 5-7 October 2016, Toulouse, France

Senac de Monsembernard, C., Chung, A. Job, A., Tesnière, A. Cabon, P., Delgoulet, C. (2016)  How medical staff is trained to manage critical situations? Exploratory work on the mobilization of non technical dimension of skills in simulation-based medical training. Healthcare Systems Ergonomics and Patient safety conference 5-7 October 2016, Toulouse, France

Job, A., Cabon, P., Pasquié, P., Tesniere, A.(2015)  Management of Dilemma under Sleep Deprivation in Anesthesiology Residents: a Simulation-Based Study. Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne 9-14 August 2015.


Livrables du projet

  • L 1.1.1 Etat de l’art des situations d’apprentissage et de l’usage des simulateurs (mai 2016)
  • L1.2.1 Rapport de synthèse final décrivant les compétences non techniques et des situations dans lesquelles elles sont réellement mises en œuvre (mai 2016)